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    How do I get a one-night stand?

    In the 21st century, “one-night” has become a very common practice for men and women seeking ephemeral sexual pleasure. Focused solely on sexual pleasure, making a one-night stand requires the know-how that few men possess, but which can be learned. The question is, “How do you get a one-night stand?” To achieve your goals, several steps must be taken.

    Aborder une femme

    Before you think about approaching a woman, you have to choose the right place and the right time. To meet people, there are many places nowadays whose classics are bars and nightclubs. If the ladies are in these places, it is not to find a husband, but to have fun. Preferably, you should flirt at night to maximize your chances, because the daytime flirting is much more difficult. Arriving early is also a must. But above all, you must be brave and persevering. Courage will be useful to you to approach the girl and raise the temperature. Persevering is essential, because it is rare to succeed at the first time, even for an expert.

    Faire comprendre ses intentions

    Once you have started the discussion, take the time to get to know each other while avoiding dwelling on the banalities. You’re not here to find a wife, but a plan. Also, you must make him understand your intentions while having the tact of a “gentleman”. To make a woman want to sleep with you, show her that you are an attractive man. In practice, you have to be confident, be charismatic and do a little humor. Being tactile is essential to install sexual tension between you. If the woman is playing the game, it is because you are on the same wavelength. In this case, you have to make your intentions clear and sexualize the discussion.

    Mettre en place la logistique

    Good logistics are key to getting to bed on the first night. To do this, you have to ask the right questions of the style: “Who did you come with?” “Where do you live?” “Do you have to get up early tomorrow?” This type of question is very revealing about the intentions of both parties. This reveals your intentions and provides its response to your advances. If she gives positive answers to all your questions, it is because she is ready to go further. But depending on the complexity of the logistics, there are two possible purposes: either you leave together or you take his number to put it back another day.

    Partir des lieux de la rencontre ou du rendez-vous

    If the logistics are conducive to a one-night stand, the next step is to leave the meeting location. At this point, we can say that the case is in the bag. But tact and caution are always the order of the day, because anything can happen. To make an “extraction”, there are many phrases full of euphemisms to use such as “Am I taking you home?” or “are we having a last drink at my house?” or “are we going to your house or my house?” If you have managed to install a palpable sexual tension, you can be sure that, whatever the sentence used, it will work for sure.

    Choisir le bon endroit pour un coup d’un soir

    When you’re sure your conquest is on the go, choose a place that will put it at ease. There are 3 possible scenarios on where to make love. In the first case, you take the girl home. This is ideal as the woman does not want to see a stranger in her home. In the second case, you go to her house. This is appropriate as she does not wish to go to a stranger’ house. In the third case, you sleep where possible, especially in the car or in the toilet. This option is to be considered as a last resort and only if you both have the soul of an adventurer.

    Savoir mettre l’ambiance pour le sexe

    Once you’ve arrived safely (at home or at home), it’s only a matter of time. In the event that the sexual tension is at its peak, sex will come naturally. But it rarely happens the first time. We must avoid putting pressure on her at the risk of scaring her away. It must be put at ease by creating a friendly, intimate and above all sensual atmosphere. For this, wine, dim lights and good music in the background are recommended. A small massage is also adequate to relax.


    The mistake that beginners usually make is to believe that to have sex you have to convince, but it is totally wrong. Convincing means arguing what you have already managed to do if you have reached this stage. Now the goal is to increase sexual tension. To do this, you have to look yourself in the eye, stop the discussion and start being more tactile. But a few compliments and dirty phrases are not to be outlawed. If it becomes shy or does not react when you touch it, it is a good sign. What happens next will depend on you.

    Partir après le sexe

    In principle, an plan is not supposed to last an entire night. Also, once you’ve had sex, you have to think about leaving or making her leave. There is no perfect timing to separate, usually it can be half an hour or several hours. But under no circumstances should you sleep together and have breakfast. Since it’s an plan, you shouldn’t share your contact details (phone number, Facebook contact, email, etc.). The only exception would be for a sexfriend relationship. But you should know that this type of relationship is not meant to last and can give birth to feelings.

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